(road trip adventures with joellen & amy)

road: closed

Being back in “real life” is proving to be a little more difficult than I imagined.  Now, granted, I’m still in Cincinnati until Tuesday and when I go back home it’s only three weeks before the move, after which I’ll be frantically searching for a job and then moving in to the new house, but also sleeping on couches.  So yeah, real life and I have quite a bit of separation for the time being.  But now that we are no longer feasting on America, all of the things I worried about pre-road trip are crawling back in to my mind.  Luckily, I get a very small vacation before I have to be totally immersed in a job and all of that, which is nice.

Also, before I tell you about our last day on the open (and ever closing) road, I would like to let you know that we will still be continuing on with the blogging.  It will very likely center on food, restaurants and recipes, but I’m sure you’ll get a bit of our everyday and the trials of moving.  We are also adding a restaurants tab and a recipes tab, as well as a tab of where we stayed so if ever you find yourself in a city where we have journeyed, you have a starting off point (if you so desire one).  Lastly, stay tuned for our Top 10 lists.  We will be posting them soon.  The best way for you to see all of this is by subscribing (I am shameless).  Ok, enough on that.  Our last day went as follows:

We decided to take our time leaving Nashville.  We really didn’t want the trip to end and the reality was moving closer and closer, so we just had to make the most of our day, and that meant taking our sweet time.  We started with Noshville.  I’m going to tell you all something that embarrasses me a lot, as a foodie/future hopeful chef: I was getting really bored with the food.  I think it was mostly due to the taco overdose in Austin which resulted in my being bored with a lot of meal options.  So we scoured urbanspoon and found Noshville, and I’m really glad we did.  They offer simple, NYC Deli-style creations, and it turns out that was exactly what I needed.  Nothing fussy, nothing monotonous, just good ol’ egg salad.  We started with the potato pancakes, which didn’t actually come until our meals arrived, so we got them for free.  Score.  They were just alright, but I devoured them.  I just can’t resist a good latke.  Culinarily speaking, I think I was born Jewish.  Nothing gets me going like latkes and brisket and a feast after a day of fasting.  Ok, back to the food.  For my main meal, I had the half egg salad sandwich with some matzah ball soup.  It was so good.  The soup was awesome (albeit one of the largest servings of soup I have ever had), and the egg salad was creamy and awesome.  I added pickles and spicy mustard for a little kick (and another score: they offered free pickles!  we had lots).  Joellen had the tuna melt, which she seemed to really enjoy until afterwards when she demanded several mints and sticks of gum.  I guess it’s one of those things that you can only enjoy during the small window of eating.  I just loved lunch.  I really did.  It was just what I needed to perk up my taste buds and keep me going for a full day of festivals and driving.

We then headed over to Centennial Park, got a quick glimpse at the Parthenon, and then perused an art festival.  If I was a better blogger, I would tell you all of the people that we really liked.  At some point I’m sure we will put their info in here, but for now I’ll leave you with baited breath.

After the arts show, we left Nashville and returned back to Northern KY, ready to unpack and try to start with the normal.  We’re still working on it…

❤ Amy

09/27/2011 - Posted by | Uncategorized

1 Comment »

  1. I’m glad to hear you will continue to blog. I love living vicariously through the two of you.(and bonus…I didn’t gain any weight reading about all the food!)

    Comment by Sherry Katzen Reich | 09/27/2011 | Reply

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