(road trip adventures with joellen & amy)

goodbye, chicago

Greetings from the car!  Since we’ve gotten numerous semi-snarky comments about how we haven’t blogged in—gasp—a day, we decided to each knock out a post during this most delightful drive to Minneapolis.  Why driving so late, ladies, you may ask.  Well, I’m so glad you made that query…

We started the day thinking that we would wake up at a decent time (HA, yeah I never really have that in mind but we can all dream, right?) and get on the road, arriving in Minneapolis in time for dinner with Andrew and Angela, our next in the line of many fabulous hosts.  Naturally, and quite wonderfully, things did not go as planned.  After an awkwardly long time sitting in my Aunt Nancy’s driveway to plan, we decided to go in to the city for one final Chicago romp and to spend some time with Dawn.  Although we did share the Navy Pier experience, we wanted to get in some more time before leaving, so we picked her up at a very colorful bus station and headed to a place on both of our lists –Hot Doug’s.  I saw it on TV, and Joellen found it when Googleing “vegetarian hot dogs.”  Although it wasn’t the first thing on my list this time, I was really hoping to get a good Chicago dog and this place did not disappoint.  I think I nearly squealed (no insensitive pig jokes intended) when I saw the line circling the building (this is a sure sign that a restaurant is worth entering) and was more excited to find that it moved quite quickly.

I ordered for the group (I tend to do that) and we all settled and waited for our delicious encased meats/fake meats to be delivered to our table.  We all had a Chicago dog, the way it was meant to be served: steamed poppy bun, bright green relish, pickle, celery salt, mustard, onion and tomato.  Dawn also got the corn dog and I got the duck dog with foie gras and truffle aioli.  We also shared the cheese fries; after all, we were trying to keep it light.  The traditional dogs were so delicious, and I was thrilled when they got numerous head nods from Joellen.  I’m so glad that we were able to find a place that was equally satisfying for all parties.  The foie/duck dog was also good, but I could have done with just a bite or two—very rich.

We then headed farther in to Lincoln Park in search of another tv destination: Vanille Pâtisserie.  A small, clean and very cute bakery, Vanille focuses on traditional French desserts, which are not only delicious, but beautiful.  I got the lemon meringue tart and a pb&j macaron, Joellen got the fudge brownie with the salted caramel-chocolate ganache with a lavender macaron and Dawn got a hazelnut-chocolate thing and a cherry macaron.  Rave reviews from all parties involved, and after a relaxing time with old friends, it was time to say goodbye to Chicago and hello to the open road.

After some time in the car, we have finally made it to Minneapolis, where Andrew and Angela were waiting for our arrival with drinks in hand.  Tomorrow, State Fair and I’m sure many more adventures to recount.  Goodnight, blog readers.  Until tomorrow.

❤ Amy

08/25/2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | 1 Comment