(road trip adventures with joellen & amy)

west texas, i’m not surprised

When several of my friends moved from Florida to California, the one comment I got was, “Texas just never ends.”  They weren’t kidding.  Really, it was the longest drive of nothing that we have had in forever.  We woke up in Carlsbad and left the hotel early (before check out, but after we were supposed to leave), yay us!  We settled in the car for the very, very long drive to Austin.  Sadly, there’s not much to report on West Texas.  It really never ends.  We drove and drove, and most of the sightings were of “oh, a carcass!”

We stopped in a small town–I can’t even tell you were–and had delicious subway lunch before getting back on the road to see more of nothing.  Eventually, we made it to Austin.

We arrived in Austin ready to see people we know and excited to be out of the nothingness that is West Texas.  Oh, I forgot to mention the pull-over that happened not long after we made it over the border.  Apparently, going 85 in an 80 is not ok…glad the police officer let us off with only a warning, although given his strong accent, I couldn’t have told you what we were being pulled over for.  Thanks, friendly Texas State Trooper.  Anyway, we got to Joellen’s cousin’s house and chatted for a bit before heading to sixth street to retrieve our fellow ACL companions, Emily and Helen.  We had a few drinks and chatted before going back to Pflugerville, where Lacey (Joellen’s cousin) and Tom (her husband) live.  We were in dire need of sleep.  And sleep we got.  Now we’re gearing up for ACL and we couldn’t be more excited.  I’m also excited that the cycle of me writing about driving through the desert will soon be over.  Stay tuned for more posts on Austin and ACL!!

❤ Amy

09/16/2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 1 Comment

the final countdown.

07/28/2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | | Leave a comment