(road trip adventures with joellen & amy)

it was a good day

We logged about 465 miles today. While not the longest distance in one day, definitely the longest time in the car. I think today was just about 13 hours in total. And we are both here to tell about it. Actually, I have a lot to share. (My somber post-Portland mood does not suite me well.)

Grants Pass turned out to be a find. The Lodge at Riverside was staffed with such kind people. We checked out 5 minutes late (shocking) and didn’t even get a call. In Portland they called 2 minutes before checkout time. While checking out I noticed a guest with a suspicious bag…all I could make out was bread and honey. That meant one thing and one thing only: there was a farmer’s market nearby. Less and less shy these days, I inquired. And off we went. This made my top 5 road trip detour list (so far, at least). The small, but plentiful market welcomed us. Organic produce tents and cheese vendors were speaking a silent language to us. We waked out of there with pesto cheese curds, rhubarb marmalade, touvelle cheese, pickled green beans, a gorgeous heirloom tomato, marshmallow fluff, 4 tamales, a small fungi pizza, and a variety pack of garlic heads. We tried, but did not purchase: sea beans (so excited about that one) and lavender chevre (sold out). We felt so lucky to be there today…fate?

After we left we stopped for sodas at McDonald’s (very consistent with our organic/artisan ways). And we totally scored a free “ice cream” cone. Some days life is just on your side. Thank you Grants Pass. Oh, and the hotel checkout was at Noon…our latest yet. 🙂

Then we drove forever. We made it to the California coast where we were greeted by rolling fog from the ocean. It was beautiful. The air was thick with cold feel and salty smells. We had the opportunity to stop off a few times on our way down the 101 for the views. The fog hindered much variety, but it was still amazing. As we made our way south we were able to visit with some local elk (from a distance). They were cool and all, but we had bigger things to conquer. (Get it?)

The Redwoods. The. Redwoods. I could never put into words the beauty of these sizable trees. You hear people talk about it and you even Google pictures, but it is just surreal to stand next to one of these relics. We took the Avenue of the Giants south and just marveled at them. You know, sometimes when the excitement wears off, foliage gets monotonous. Like, how we’re already desensitized to green mountain views. Well, not with the Redwoods. If you haven’t been yet, put it on your list. Truly a gift from Mother Nature.

Once our last Redwood was far in the distance behind us we started on the trek to San Francisco (Pacifica). In retrospect, we should have broken this up a little, but we’re here at our hotel – with a king size bed and an ocean view.

Looking forward to a full day in SF tomorrow!


P.S. Dear Portland, I feel bad about the way things ended between us. I think my synopsis of our brief encounter/relationship was perhaps a little harsh. I’m sorry for the unkind tone. The truth is that I expected to fall in love with you on our first date. I was disappointed. But, it’s not you – it’s me. Checking box “friend”. (I’m just not that into you.) I’ll call.

09/04/2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , | Leave a comment